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About Us 關於我們

Red Packet 專為各客戶設計及印制各式各樣的利是封


我們務求以優質服務及實惠價格令客戶達成所需及實踐創意。公司可藉著這機會在利是封加入喜慶及品牌元素。 個人更可突顯尊貴地位及個人品味。







Red Packet provides design and production of red packet services


Our team has extensive experience in design and production. Having our own manufacturing unit on the Chinese Mainland allows us to effectively manage production time and quality.


About red packet:

The Chinese have a custom of using Red Packets packed with money as a gift for special occasions like Chinese New Year, wedding and birthday.


Today, the customs of giving and receiving Red Packets are still practiced. The designs on these little red packets get more and more fanciful and innovative every year.

Many brands and companies see this as an opportunity to do marketing promotion, providing their self-designed Red Packets for their customers.

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